Daniel Oh


The Journey

See this post for an introduction and context.

8th century BCIliadHomerDone
8th - 7th century BCOdysseyHomerDone
4th century BCMenoPlatoDone
4th century BCApologyPlatoDone
4th century BCCritoPlatoDone
4th century BCPhaedoPlatoDone
4th century BCSymposiumPlatoDone
4th century BCRepublicPlatoDone
4th century BCLawsPlatoReading
4th century BCNicomachean EthicsAristotle
4th century BCPoliticsAristotle
4th century BCPoeticsAristotle
4th century BCRhetoricAristotle
4th century BCMetaphysicsAristotle
1st century BCOn the LawsCicero
19 BCAeneidVirgil
1st centuryThe BibleGod
180MeditationsMarcus Aurelius
426On Christian DoctrineAugustine
426The City of GodAugustine
524The Consolation of PhilosophyBoethius
1115The Song of RolandUnknown
1274Summa TheologicaThomas Aquinas
14th centurySir Gawain and the Green KnightUnknown
1321Divine ComedyDante
1400The Canterbury TalesGeoffrey Chaucer
1525Bondage of the WillMartin Luther
1532The PrinceNiccolò Machiavelli
1560Institutes of the Christian ReligionJohn Calvin
1579Vindicae Contra TyrannosStephen Junius Brutus
1597Romeo and JulietWilliam Shakespeare
1609The Freedom of the SeasHugo Grotius
1625On the Law of War and PeaceHugo Grotius
1644Lex, RexSamuel Rutherford
1644AreopagiticaJohn Milton
1668LeviathanThomas Hobbes
1670PenséesBlaise Pascal
1674Paradise LostJohn Milton
1689Two Treatises on GovernmentJohn Locke
1726Gulliver's TravelsJonathan Swift
1748The Spirit of LawMontesquieu
1788The Federalist PapersVarious
1790Reflections on the Revolution in FranceEdmund Burke
1840Democracy in AmericaAlexis de Tocqueville
1843Fear and TremblingSøren Kierkegaard
1843A Christmas CarolCharles Dickens
1851Moby DickHerman Melville
1859A Tale of Two CitiesCharles Dickens
1865Alice's Adventures in WonderlandLewis Carroll
1867Journey to the Center of the EarthJules Verne
1870Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeasJules Verne
1873Around the World in Eighty DaysJules Verne
1886Beyond Good and EvilFriedrich Nietzsche
1955The Lord of the RingsJ. R. R. Tolkien